Alternative Minimum Tax – AMT Sucks
AMT Tax – Most Hated Tax in New York City
The AMT, also known as the alternative minimum tax, is one of the most hated taxes in the United States and for good reason. For those individuals above a certain threshold of taxable income, or corporations, trusts, and estates, the AMT creates a higher tax burden beyond that imposed on those that fall under the threshold.
The alternative minimum tax was first originated with the thought that those individuals and corporations in the higher tax bracket were able to find and utilize large tax breaks that the middle class could not. It was decided that the AMT would ensure that those with the highest incomes would pay a minimum tax rate regardless of the tax breaks and loopholes they may have available to them.
The current AMT was enacted in 1982 and is applied to all taxable income when an individual or entity’s taxable income falls above a pre-determined level. In 2013, that level was tied to inflation, or CPI rates.
As it stands now, the alternative minimum tax rates are 26 and 28%, and to determine whether or not you are subject to regular tax rates or the AMT rates, you would be required to calculate your taxes twice. This can become problematic as the AMT does not allow the same deductions as the regular tax does, so your adjusted income levels will be different.
The bottom line is you will be required to pay the higher of the two rates. It can become quite complicated to determine if you are subject to the AMT as well as what deductions are allowed and which are not. Often, the best course of action is to contact a qualified tax accountant to walk you through the process.
The AMT is hated for good reason. It’s complicated and some would say creates a separate class of citizens that is being penalized for their financial success.
Mark Feinsot, CPA is a New York City CPA Accounting firm with offices on West 57th Street (Midtown West near Central Park) and West 32nd Street (Broadway, near Empire State Building). Our firm works with all types of businesses and high net worth individuals. If you are searching for a new accountant who is focused on minimizing your taxes legally, call us at 212-631-8320 and ask for Mark.